Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We Are Holograms

[Physicist Dr. David Bohm describes] the hologram concept which states that every piece is an exact representation of the whole and can be used to reconstruct the entire hologram. Cloning is a biological example of a hologram: a single cell, its DNA being an exact representation of the whole, can be used to “construct” an entire being.

Dr. Karl Pribram, a renowned brain researcher, has accumulated evidence over a decade that the brain’s deep structure is essentially holographic. Research from many laboratories demonstrates that the brain structures sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch holographically. The information is distributed throughout the system so that each fragment can produce the information of the whole. This could explain why a person having body work, such as a massage, can sometimes “relive” a vivid memory when the therapist presses on a particular spot in the body. Memory is distributed everywhere in the body. What a backup system! And, no wonder we are controlled by the past.

But I digress. What this all really says to me is this: if our DNA is an exact representation of the whole, then each of us is also an exact representation of the Whole, of God, of All That Is. Of Unity. We are all little DNA cells of God, representing God perfectly, and capable of becoming the Whole at any time. We couldn’t use a single sheep cell to clone a whole sheep until someone decided to do it. We can’t use our personal selves to clone God until we decide to do it.

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